Investigative Services
Information for businesses and individuals:
Hourly rate is: $75.00 per hour
Mileage rate is: $1.00 per mile
Domestic cases normally require a minimum retainer of: $1,500.00
Definintion of a domestic case: boyfriend/girlfriend or same sex
husband/wife: including cheating, divorce or child support
We offer a full array of investigative services including:
Computer Forensics
GPS Tracking: Covert, Passive, Real-Time, Teen, Assets, Senior, & Cheaters
Individual and domestic investigations
Financial Asset Discovery
Date mate, finance, boyfriend/girlfriend background checks
Criminal background checks
Civil and public records checks
Business related field chases and field calls
Process service and courier service
Due diligence and document retrieval
Paralegal trial assistance
Witness interviewing, jail visits, and mobile witness statements
People locates, missing persons, and skip trace
Assistance with locating fugitives
Photographic documentation
Covert camera installation
Workers comp, liability, and disability investigations
Other confidential assignments on a case by case basis
Cheaters and Infidelity
If you are on this page chances are you already know you are being cheated on. Most people either get a gut feeling or some tangible sign that something is wrong. Below are some of the signs you have experienced or might want to be on the lookout for.
1. Changes in intimacy. Meaning, it is less than it use to be
2. Suspicious phone habits. Has second phone, or screen lock
3. Changes in appearance or increase in gym routine
4. Suspicious or excessive internet use
5. Changes in grooming or bathing habits
6. Change in work routine, spending more time at it.
7. Projecting. This is when your significant other makes ridiculous accusations against you to move the focus off of them.
The cheater can be watched by regular surveillance or electronically. A customized plan can be implemented to your specific circumstances.
For attorneys: we offer comprehensive assistance. If you require assistance in an insurance defense case; we will be happy to assist you, terms are $1,500.00 minimum retainer only..
For women only: we offer Decoy services. That means that if you feel your husband or boyfriend has an interest in cheating, we can offer him the opportunity. We will send in a decoy to find out if he will engage in infidelity. Call for details and rate quote based on your situation.
Employers: Do you have an employee or business associate you rely on that is missing work a lot? Would you like to know if they are going to the doctor or are just laying off work to play games? Sometimes you cannot stay in-house with these things, and you have to go outside for answers. Call us to discuss how you can get the answers you need. Whether you retain us or not, all conversations are held in the utmost confidence.
New Boyfriend or Girlfriend, or someone you met on a dating site:
Have you met someone and they seem too good to be true? Are they secretive and/or distant? Are they unwilling to share simple details about themselves? Do you have questions you need answers to? There are many men and women in society preying on those that are lonely and trustworthy. Don't become a victim of your loneliness. You can have the person checked out, and if everything turns out to be true, that will be the end of it. On the other hand, you may learn of information that could save heartache, protect loved ones, and your assets.
Daughters boyfriend: Are you worried that your daughter's new boyfriend is involved in activity that puts her in harms way? Do you know where they are, or who they are with? Don't you think you owe it to her to find out?
Bad Neighbors:If you are being tormented by a neighbor but the police are unable to do anything. We can help you by documenting their behavior and conduct. We may even catch them in the act of committing a criminal offense or civil wrong that will put an end to the harassment they engage in.
School Bullies: Is your child being bullied by another kid in school? Have you been unsuccessful in getting the situation corrected by the school administration or the police? On a limited basis we can provide surveillance of your child while in public places, to and from school, at the mall, etc. We can document the activity we observe, and immediately contact the police if necessary.
Surveillance: We engage in surveillance activities to provide documentation to protect and recover assets, and to record the activities at places and of people. Not all surveillance cases require the use of video equipment. Our client may desire photographic proof but cannot afford the additional expense associated with it. Surveillance observations conveyed to the client in the form of a written or oral report will keep the costs down, and still provide the client with the information they seek.
Careful planning and execution is required for any type of surveillance, and these matters should not be taken lightly. People engaged in illicit, illegal, immoral, or otherwise distasteful behavior do not take kindly to being found out, and will engage in counter-surveillance. If you feel that our surveillance expertise is required, we will work with you to obtain the evidence you need and deserve.
We can perform still camera, video camera, or observational surveillance for an hour, or around the clock. No assignment is any more important than the next, regardless of the length of time involved.
Actual out of pocket expenses include but are not limited to those advanced by 1 Source during the process of completing the assignment. They include items like: toll-way, parking garage, use of paid data-bases, fees advanced on behalf of client, etc.
Other expenses: will be agreed to prior to acceptance of the assignment.
Retainer or advance fees:
If you are a business concern, 1 Source PI will consider a billing arrangement on a case by case basis. If billing arrangements are agreed to:
"Terms are 7 days net" unless otherwise stated.
We have the ability to do:
We have the ability to find bank accounts and brokerage accounts
that someone is hiding from you. It does not matter where you live
in the United States. **
You may be involved in a business dispute or are in divorce litigation and the other side is not being truthful about how much money they have.
** An exception is if the subject has an "Opt Out" provision on file with a particular financial institution.
Bank Account Searches
Brokerage Account Searches
Real Estate Searches
Source Of Income
And Other Asset Searches
The charges for these services vary, please call for pricing
These are performed legally through a 3rd party credit bureau level company
red flag red flag red flag red flag red flag red flag
Do you own a judgment and need to find if the judgment debtor has money in the bank?
red flag red flag red flag red flag red flag red flag
Are you involved with someone who claims to have money and you would like to confirm it?
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Are you involved with someone who claims to be broke and you would like to confirm it?
red flag red flag red flag red flag red flag red flag
Are you in a divorce dispute and would like to
know how much money they have hidden?
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Is your former wife/husband hiding money from their cash job and not reporting it to the court to avoid the extra child support?
We are able to find bank account information nationwide as follows:
1. Bank name and address
2. Amount of funds in deposit
3. Searches are performed state by state
4. Bank account numbers will NOT be returned
We require the following information:
1. Name of individual
2. Social security number
3. Date of birth
If you require this service, please telephone 219-381-8685. An authorization form will be emailed or faxed for you to complete, sign and return.
If we took your case on a retainer basis at an hourly rate, plus expenses, but your total bill did not exceed or use the entire retainer; you will receive a refund for the difference.
If we took your case on a flat fee basis and have completed the assignment, you will owe no balance, and will receive no refund.
Important things to remember:
1. When you hire a private investigator, completion of an assignment may not always give you the result you hoped for.
For example: you hire us to perform surveillance on an individual because you believe they are engaging in a certain activity. Then during surveillance we do not observe them engaging in the activity you suspected, we will provide you with the appropriate report (orally or written) documenting surveillance. Our assignment is completed.
2. Confidentiality is an essential element of the work we do.
a. If you hire us as to perform an investigation for you, it an absolute condition of our relationship that we not disclose to anyone that you have hired us.
b. It is equally as important for you to refrain from disclosing to anyone that you have hired us. For example: you hire us to investigate a significant other, and then you inform them that you have hired a private investigator. You have compromised not only the safety of the investigator, but also the integrity of the investigation.
c. During some investigations it is possible that subjects may discover that we are performing surveillance, or making other types of inquiries about them. This is an inherent part of performing investigative work. We will make every effort to avoid being detected, or otherwise involved, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. People engaging in illegal, illicit, unfaithful, or deceitful activity are often themselves conducting "counter-surveillance" because of the very nature of their conduct. If we are detected during the course of an investigation, this does not void or terminate our agreement.
Note: On occasion we may have to disclose the existence of a conflict of interest between clients. When a conflict exists between competing firms or entities on the same case, we will give preference to the firm who retained us on that case first. The other party will be notified immediately of the conflict and our withdrawal from that case.
*Some searches completed same day.
*Any credit cards denied will result in legal action. Information obtained will not be forwarded until all fees are paid in full.
Call 219-381-8685 today!
1 Source Private Investigations, Professional Services, lake county private investigations, porter county, detectives, Griffith, Highland, Hammond, Gary, Munster, Schererville, Dyer, Crown Point, Merrillville, St.John, Cedar Lake, Lowell, Portage, Porter, Valparaiso, Burns Harbor, Michigan City, La Porte, IN, Indiana, 1 Source PI, investigations, infidelity, cheaters, missing persons, people locates, skip trace, process service, background checks, due diligence, gps, gps tracking, spy camera, covert video, surveillance, insurance investigations, injury claims, fraud, asset discovery, public records search, field chases, polygraph examinations, lie detector, computer forensics, northwest Indiana, Chicago, paralegal trial assistance, employee dishonesty, theft, covert video, met on a dating site, corporate investigations, aerial surveillance, domestic violence, bug sweeps, hidden cameras, who is following me, identity theft, id theft, missing persons, neighborhood bully, my husband is having an affair, wife, porn on my computer, adultery, following, tailing, interrogation, questioning suspects, pedophiles, animal cruelty, spousal abuse,